Nonlinear Solver Lab

Demonstration of W4 method

  • In this example, the so-called Lane-Emden equation in astrophysics is solved as an example of ordinary differential equations.

Lane-Emden equation Solver by W4

  • Differential equation which describes the stellar structure
  • It is obtained from the Euler equation(fluid )

Package Inclusion

  • Sympy :: To define the set of nonlinear equations
  • Numpy :: For iterative solver
  • Scipy :: To use Linear solver
  • Matplotlib :: For Basin figure
In [1]:
import sympy as sy;
import numpy as np;
from numpy import cos,sin,pi;
from scipy import linalg;
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt;

Parameter Setup

For the W4 method, we define

  • dim : dimension of system (It determines the resolution)
  • dtau : $\Delta\tau$ for evolution
  • errmax : Criterion of error to stop iteration
  • itermax : Maximum iteration.
In [2]:
In [3]:
errmax = pow(10,-4);
itermax = pow(10,2);
In [4]:
### Variables
### x[1], x[2], x[3], ... , x[dim]
x = []
for i in range(0,dim):
    vname = 'x[' + str(i) +']';

Definition of Source in the Sympy style

  • F(x) : System of nonlinear equations
  • |F(x)| : Absolute components
  • J : Jacobian matrix $\partial$ F / $\partial$ x


In [5]:
### Source
### f[0], f[1], f[2], ... , f[dim-1]
n = 1;
f = [];

### Coordinate xi
dx = 1.0/dim;
xi = [];
for i in range(dim+1):
    xi.append( dx*i );

### Source for Eigenvalue x[0]
f.append( 6*(x[1] -1)/dx**2  +x[0] );

### Source for x[1] (theta(dx)) with boundary condition theta(0)=1
f.append( (x[2] -2*x[1] +1)/dx**2 +(x[2]-1)/xi[1]/dx +x[1]**n*x[0] );

for i in range(2,dim-1):
    f.append( (x[i+1] -2*x[i] +x[i-1])/dx**2 +(x[i+1]-x[i-1])/xi[i]/dx +x[i]**n*x[0] );

### Source for x[dim-1] (theta(1-dx)) with boundary condition theta(1)=0
f.append( (0 -2*x[dim-1] +x[dim-2])/dx**2 +(0-x[dim-2])/xi[dim-1]/dx +x[dim-1]**n*x[0] );

tmp = f[0];
#norm = 0.0;
for i in range(1,dim):
    tmp = tmp +f[i]*x[i];
#    norm = norm +x[i]**n*x[i];

f[0] = tmp;
In [6]:
# input source
def calc_source(x,f):

### Summation of absolute values of all terms in each equation
###  to compare the error with the typical value of each equation
    fa = [];
    for j in range(dim):
        tmp = 0;
        for i in range(len(f[j].args)):
            tmp = tmp + abs(f[j].args[i]);

### Definition of variables, sources, absolute sources(x, F, |F|) as vector
    v = sy.Matrix([x]).transpose();
    F = sy.Matrix([f]).transpose();
    Fa = sy.Matrix([fa]).transpose();
### Analytic calculation of Jacobian(dim x dim Matrix)
    J = sy.Matrix();
    for i in range(dim):
        J = J.col_insert(i,F.diff(x[i]));    

### From Sympy to Numpy
    arg = v.transpose();
    vn = sy.lambdify(arg, v, "numpy")
    Fn = sy.lambdify(arg, F, "numpy")
    Fan = sy.lambdify(arg, Fa, "numpy")
    Jacn = sy.lambdify(arg, J, "numpy")        
    return vn,Fn,Fan,Jacn;
In [7]:
vn, Fn, Fan, Jacn = calc_source(x,f);

Definition :: W4LH method

In [8]:
### Analysis by the W4 method with the LH decomposition
def w4analysis(v,F,Fa,J,ini,dt,itermax,errmax):
### Initialization for x and p as v0 and p0
    p0 = np.zeros(dim);
    v0 = v(*ini).transpose()[0];

    evot = [];
    evot = np.append(evot,0);
    evox = np.array([v0]).reshape(1,dim);
    evop = np.array([p0]).reshape(1,dim);
    evolam = [];
    lam = linalg.eigvals(J0)
    for d in range(dim):
        if lmin > abs(lam[d]):
            lmin = abs(lam[d]);
        if lmax < abs(lam[d]):
            lmax = abs(lam[d]);

    evolam = np.append(evolam,lmax/lmin);

### Main Iteration Loop
    for i in range(itermax):

### Criterion to stop the iteration
### Evaluation of Source F
        err = 0.0;
        for k in range(dim):
            err = max(err,abs(F0[k]/Fa0[k]));
        if err < errmax:

### Decomposition of Jacobian into L and H
        Q, R = linalg.qr(J0.transpose());
        srcp = -2*p0 -linalg.solve(R.transpose(),F0);
        srcx =;
#        srcx = Q.transpose().dot(p0);
        v0 = v0 +srcx*dt;
        p0 = p0 +srcp*dt;
        evot = np.append(evot,i);
        evox = np.append(evox,np.array([v0]),axis=0);
        evop = np.append(evop,np.array([p0]),axis=0);

        lam = linalg.eigvals(J0)
        for d in range(dim):
            if lmin > abs(lam[d]):
                lmin = abs(lam[d]);
            if lmax < abs(lam[d]):
                lmax = abs(lam[d]);

        evolam = np.append(evolam,lmax/lmin);

    return v0, i, err, evolam, evot, evox, evop
In [9]:
### Initial guess
vini = np.array([]);
vini = np.append(vini, 1.);
for i in range(1,dim):
    vini = np.append(vini, (1.0 -dx*i));

### Nonlinear Solver by the W4 method
vans, iter, err, lam, t, xr, pr = w4analysis(vn,Fn,Fan,Jacn,vini,dtau,itermax,errmax);

### Basic information
print("Dimension : ",dim);
print("Initial Condition number : ",lam[1]);
print("Iteration : ",iter,", error : ", err);
if iter < itermax-1:
    print("< Solved. >");
    print("< Failed. >");
Dimension :  10
Initial Condition number :  20.20479855607713
Iteration :  18 , error :  9.286612538109219e-05
< Solved. >
In [10]:
sol = [];
sol = np.append(sol,1.0);
for i in range(1,dim):
    sol = np.append(sol,xr[iter][i]);
sol = np.append(sol,0.0);


r = [];
for i in range(dim+1):
    r = np.append(r,xi[i]*xr[iter][0]**0.5);
In [11]:
### Figures
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,5));
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1);

In [12]:
### Saving solution during the W4 iteration for figures
solx0 = [];
solx1 = [];
solp0 = [];
solp1 = [];
for i in range(iter+1):
    solx0 = np.append(solx0,xr[i][0]);
    solx1 = np.append(solx1,xr[i][1]);
    solp0 = np.append(solp0,pr[i][0]);
    solp1 = np.append(solp1,pr[i][1]);
In [13]:
### Figures
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,5));
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(2,2,1);

ax2 = fig.add_subplot(2,2,2);

ax3 = fig.add_subplot(2,2,3);

ax4 = fig.add_subplot(2,2,4);


Comments on Lane-Emden Solver by W4

How to see the first basic outputs

  • Dimension and initial condition number calculated from the Jacobian matrix are shown.
  • Next, the iteration number and the error after the W4 loop are presented.
  • The last comment tells us whether the problem was solved from the initial guess.

How to see the figures

  • First figure: Density profile as a function of radius
  • Second figures:
    • (Left-Upper & Left-Lower) The variables during the W4 iteration loop.
    • (Right-Upper & Right-Lower) The momenta during the W4 iteration loop.
In [ ]: